Name | Hometown | Name | Hometown |
Janis Joplin | Port Arthur | Steve Martin | Waco |
Tommy Lee Jones | San Saba | Kenneth Starr | Vernon |
Joan Crawford | San Antonio | Howard Hughes | Houston |
Holly Golightly | Tulip | Dwight D. Eisenhower | Denison |
Don Henley | Lindon | Buddy Holly | Lubbock |
Dan Rather | Wharton | Barry White | Galveston |
F. Murry Abraham | El Paso | Roy Orbison | Wink |
Mary Martin | Weatherford | Van Cliburn | Fort Worth |
Willie Nelson | Abbott | Farah Fawcett | Houston |
Tommy Tune | Wichita Fallas | Larry
McMurtry (Author) |
Archer City |
Dan Blocker | O'Donnell | John Nance Garner (Thirty-Second Vice President of the United States, Under FDR) | Detroit |
Jayne Mansfield | San Antonio | Waylon Jennings | Littlefield |
Nolan Ryan | Alvin | George Jones | Saratoga |
Dennis Quaid | Houston | Jerry Hall | Mesquite |
Larry Hagman | Fort Worth | Carol Burnett | San Antonio |
Scott Joplin | Linden | Roger Miller | Fort Worth |
Lyle Lovett | Klein | Bonnie Parker | Rowena |
Clyde Barrow | Telico | George Foreman | Marshal |
Rex Reed | Fort Worth | Syd Charisse | Amarillo |
Debbie Reynolds | El Paso | Alvin Ailey | Rogers |
Aaron Spelling | Dallas | Johnny Mathis | Gilmer |
Gene Autry | Tioga | Fess Parker | Fort Worth |
Ernie Banks | Dallas | Sam Donaldson | El Paso |
Van Winkle (Vanilla Ice) |
Carrollton | Max Stalling | Crystal City |
Ried (Cowboy Cartoonist) |
Electra | Jaclyn Smith | Houston |
Lisa Hartman Black | Houston | Gary Busey | Goose Creek (which is now Baytown) |
Clay Walker | Beaumont | Walter Cronkite | Houston |
Freddy Fender | San Benito | Wendy Simmons | Weatherford |
Nora Jones | Dallas | Tracy Byrd | Beaumont |
Sharon Tate | Dallas | Jimmy Dean | Plainview |
Joe Don Baker | Groesbeck |
This list was inspired by a similar list in Kinky Friedman's book "Guide to Texas Etiquette, or How to Get to Heaven or Hell Without Going Through Dallas-Fort Worth"
If ya find anymore, or know of them, let me know and I'll add them to the list.